Annual Reports

Conception of structured and clean layout design in line with the corporate image of the company. Graphs, highlighted phrases, pictograms and charts contribute to convey clear messages while animating the composition of the Annual Report of Elia, Belgium’s electricity transmission network manager.

Concept, graphic design and realisation
Client: Elia @ Studio Witvrouwen

Mateja-Artac_Annual-Report-Elia Mateja-Artac_Annual-Report-Elia2 Mateja-Artac_Annual-Report-Elia3

Creation of a clean design for the annual report of Brutélé, one of Belgium’s leading multimedia operators. Intended to be read on paper and digital media, the report was designed in landscape format for better adaptation to the screen. Layout design with key figures, timelines, maps, highlighted paragraphs and frames allow rapid information identification and reading on different levels.

Concept, graphic design and realisation
Client: Brutélé @ Studio Witvrouwen
