Showing 19 Result(s)

Annual Reports

Elia Conception of structured and clean layout design in line with the corporate image of the company. Graphs, highlighted phrases, pictograms and charts contribute to convey clear messages while animating the composition of the Annual Report of Elia, Belgium’s electricity transmission network manager. __ Concept, graphic design and realisation __ Client: Elia @ Studio Witvrouwen …

Corporate layout design

Layout design of various corporate publications created for a wide range of clients. Total, refining and chemicals Design of promotional material for Total’s refining and chemicals branch aimed at a specific segment – rotomolding. A folder allows data sheets to be added or removed according to current needs or location. The campaign was accompanied with …


Marketing tools for presentation and display of AGC glass samples. Lacobel T Colorful box presenting the line of decorative glass Lacobel T. This stylish marketing tool contains an array which serves as a display of 15 glass samples. ___ Graphic design and participation in the packaging conception ___ Client: AGC Glass Europe @ Studio Witvrouwen …

Event graphics

Bigger picture Various materials designed for event purposes – roll-ups, desks and stands for different clients. __ Graphic design __ Clients: Total, FedEx, Holcim @ Studio Witvrouwen


Various data presentations in a graphic form such as schemas, charts, tables, timelines. IDF Atlas poster update Poster with data visualization of diabetes prevalence around the world. 2012 data update of  “IDF Atlas 2011”, a biennial publication about diabetes and its statistics. __ Infographics, graphic design __ Client: International Diabetes Foundation @ De Visu Digital …

Visual identity

Redesign of the graphic design studio identityHaving been in the business for nearly 3 decades, Studio Witvrouwen had a recognisable logo. The original symbol was kept but used in a new way, fluorescent tone bringing freshness and dynamics. Letterpress business cards correspond well with the artisan character of this small studio where every client is …

Corporate greeting cards and promotional objects

Happy and sparkling new year! A set of 2 custom made coasters was sent as new years wishes and self promotion gift of Studio Witvrouwen. Forex plastic was used in an original way, exploring the possibilities of new printing techniques. __ Graphic design __ Client: Studio Witvrouwen @ Studio Witvrouwen Brilliant ideas in 2015 Self …

Birth announcements

Birth announcements Illustration and design of various birth announcement cards. __ Illustration, graphic design — Announcing the arrival of the 3rd baby boy in the family.  

Letter anatomy

Booklets and cards helping children to recognise and learn about letters based on their anatomy. Each booklet presents a group of letters built with similar elements. With accompanying cards, the child learns to identify different letters with comparing, combining and superimposing. A playful way to introduce the alphabet. __ Concept, design, realisation __ Personal project

365 days in South America

Timeline presenting 365 days of my sabbatical year volunteering and travelling in South America. Travelled surface, weather conditions, visited places, professional, cultural and other activities reconstructed day by day. Illustrated with drawings created during the journey. 220 x 220 mm / 5,5m long accordion book folded in 26 pages / stitches __ Concept, illustration, graphic …

non amour_mateja artac

Non Amour

The three books Voilée, Non Amour and White wedding are a result of a reflection on the veil and the book medium. The veil, a fragile and delicate fabric is also an object heavily charged with meaning and symbolic (Islamic veil). It is a powerful boundary, the point of separation between a woman and a …

1h_Mateja Artac


Subjective map of a blind trajectory travelled without the benefit of eye sight in Brussels, Sunday 26 April 2009. 307 x 230 mm / 3m long accordion book folded in 13 pages / Braille / case __ Concept, layout and realization __ Personal project


The three books Voilée, Non Amour and White wedding are a result of a reflection on the veil and the book medium. The veil, a fragile and delicate fabric is also an object heavily charged with meaning and symbolic (Islamic veil). It is a powerful boundary, the point of separation between a woman and a …

White wedding / Mateja Artac

White wedding

The three books Voilée, Non Amour and White wedding are a result of a reflection on the veil and the book medium. The veil, a fragile and delicate fabric is also an object heavily charged with meaning and symbolic (Islamic veil). It is a powerful boundary, the point of separation between a woman and a …

Je suis comme je suis

A poem from Jack Prévert illustrated by monotyping. Unique exemplary. 297 x 420 mm / monotypes / stitches __ Concept, graphic design, illustration, realisation __ Personal project

Paris / Rome / Barcelona

A series of love stories built with ready-made phrases taken from phrase books. 90 x 130 mm / exchangeable book covers __ Concept, graphic design, realisation __ Personal project